Clousure Planning

What is closure?
Closure is the process of decommissioning and decontaminating an area or structure, which could result in the release of contaminants to the air, soil and/or water. Closure may be temporary, partial or permanent. Closure may also be required due to divestiture or a change in use of the facility.
What is a closure plan?
A Closure Plan is an indispensable part of the closure process. It is a document that contains the procedures for:-
- decommissioning a facility;
- removing all possible contaminants to air, soil and/or water;
- decontaminating equipment; and
- sampling and laboratory analysis.
A Closure Plan may also include information relating to:-
- the chemicals used on site;
- operations on adjacent properties and their potential for causing contamination;
- site zoning and characteristics;
- the likely future use(s) of the site;
- hydrogeology e.g. soils and their properties, and the extent and use of aquifers in the area;
- solid waste and sewage disposal; and
- security of facility scheduled for closure.
Why invest in integrated closure planning?
An integrated approach to closure plays a fundamental role in creating long-term value from both the environmental and social perspective. Our Closure Plans serve to assist our clients with meeting the requirements of the regulatory agencies, while at the same time reducing their environmental liabilities.
The need to better understand the true cost of closure and the long-term management of facilities makes an investment in integrated closure planning crucial. If long-term environmental and social closure costs are better accounted for, decision-making will be improved.
What can CD&A do for you?
Conrad Douglas & Associates Limited (CD&A) can develop a Closure Plan that will:-
- Assess the closure requirements of your facility;
- Give a detailed description of the site, site conditions and company operations (process flows etc);
- Identify all legislation, policies, regulations and standards applicable to the closure of your facility;
- Predict the short- to long-term impacts of closure;
- Provide time and cost estimates for closure;
- Provide guidance on how to minimize your company’s commitment for future care;
- Outline a suitable monitoring programme;
- Identify the parameters, frequency and test methods to be used during monitoring; and
- Develop a comprehensive contingency plan.
We can also:-
- Keep your Closure Plan current;
- Implement your Closure Plan;
- Organize and facilitate public consultations; and
- Manage the entire closure process.
Once you retain CD&A, you can be assured of our high level of personalized and professional service. We will go the extra mile to apply our over four hundred (400) cumulative man years of experience to your project, no matter the size.